The following is a guide on how to setup Goods and Services Tax (GST) for an Australian Business on Shopify.
Open a browser to (replace yourstore with your Shopify store name)
Under “Sales Channels”, select “Online Store.

Set all Products to “Charge Taxes”
This will make all product prices display GST.
“Select Products”

Select each product to open, and in the “Pricing” section, check the “Charge tax on this product” box.

Note: If you have lots of products, export to .csv, edit, and then import via “Products / All products / Export / Import”.

Set the Tax Region for GST at 10% for Australian Stores
Select “Settings”.

Select “Taxes”

In “Tax regions”, next to “Australia”, select “Setup”.

In “Australia”, select “Collect GST”.

In the “Collect GST” modal, enter your businesses ABN, and then select “Collect GST”.

Select the arrow to go back to the “Taxes” section.
In “Tax calculations”, select the “All prices include tax” check box.

Update Cart settings to display “GST” instead of “Taxes”
Select “Settings”.
Select “Checkout”.

In “Checkout language”, select “Manage checkout language”.

On the “Checkout & System” Tab, search for the word “Tax” by typing “Ctrl + F”, then typing “Tax”.

Replace the text in the following fields:
Taxes label: Taxes -> GST (Goods and Services Tax)

Estimate taxes label: Taxes (estimated) -> GST (Goods and Services Tax) (Estimated)

Select the “Cart” Tab, search for the word “Tax” by typing “Ctrl + F”, then typing “Tax”.

Replace the text in the following fields:
Taxes and shipping at checkout: Taxes and shipping calculated at checkout -> GST and shipping calculated at checkout

Taxes and shipping policy at checkout html: Taxes and <a href="{{ link }}">shipping</a> calculated at checkout -> GST and <a href="{{ link }}">shipping</a> calculated at checkout

Taxes included but shipping at checkout: Taxes included and shipping calculated at checkout -> GST included and shipping calculated at checkout

Taxes included and shipping policy html: Taxes included. <a href="{{ link }}">Shipping</a> calculated at checkout. -> GST included. <a href="{{ link }}">Shipping</a> calculated at checkout.

On the “Customer” Tab, search for the word “Tax” by typing “Ctrl + F”, then typing “Tax”.

Replace the text in the following fields:
Tax: Tax -> GST (Goods and Services Tax)

On the “Products” Tab, search for the word “Tax” by typing “Ctrl + F”, then typing “Tax”.

Replace the text in the following fields:
Include taxes: Tax included. -> GST included.

Select “Save”.

Select the Arrow back button.